Grid: width: height: grid size: center x, y , wtf?
Graph input: range , step size: (higher is Lots faster, less pretty)
rx(1-x) settings: precision: x-seed: i: j: stable sequence length: speed: (ms/iteration, higher = slower (in theory))
.. the fuck is this?
On this graph, every y-value is the result of iterating x[next] = rx(1-x) where r is the point on the x-axis, and the initial x is a random seed (0 < x < 1), until x stabilizes or becomes a repeating pattern (the latter being those areas with multiple y values). For scale: the first split is at r = 3, the graph stops at r = 4.
The longer and accurate version: Logistic map (but for more fun reading: chaos theory)
These inputs boxes?
- "grid size" is width & height (px) of 1 X/Y square on the grid (slightly darker blue lines). changing the grid size requires adjusting the centering. sorry about that, I'll fix it sometime.
- "center x, y" is the position of the grid's zero point, and can be negative (off the page). Axes are red.
- range is start/stop values of the "x" axis, except that's really the "r" axis here.
rx(1-x) settings:
- precision is used when comparing ranges of iteration values to check for repeating sequences. Higher is more precise but slower. Suggest 5 minimum
- i: times the iteration process will check for repeating sequences
- j: number of values it will add to the stack before each "i" check. Setting these low means the iteration process will give up checking quickly, and the last {stable sequence length} values will be returned (stuff be crazy!)
- stable sequence length: max length of repeating sequence to check for. Obviously it makes no sense to set this higher than i * j. over 128 you won't see much difference anyway, except in calculation times.
- speed: hah. right. whether this has effect or not depends a lot on the other settings.. leave it at 1, kill your CPU, it's bored too often anyway.
- "submit" the form to get a url with current settings. yay bookmarks and other sillyness (for me they take up less space than the images).
- reload the page without query params to reset to factory defaults
- Why? Because Chaos theory is fun! And, pretty pictures.
- the map for all positive values
- any errors or strange phrasing/names in text parts are due to having hacked it together on insufficient sleep and too much espresso. and brownies.
- click this box (or the "wtf?") to make it go away